The “Beta Dogs of the Dow” is an idea under development by Nicholas Krapels. “Beta Dogs” theory advocates investing in the highest quintile of low-beta members of the Dow each year. This idea is in contrast to the popular “Dogs of the Dow” theory, which advocates investing annually in the top third of the highest-yielding Dow stocks. At the very least, looking at the Dow components with their beta values as the organizing factor should yield fruitful investment ideas.
This table lists the current members of the Dow according to their five-year beta values, from lowest to highest, as reported by Google Finance. As the embedded spreadsheet is a Google Doc, all data is in real-time except for the current dividend per share and the actual ranking itself (the date of the last update is located in the heading).
The following spreadsheet is maintained by LowBetaPortfolio.com as a service to its readers. You can download the spreadsheet for your own use here. If you want to know as soon as I update the rankings, follow me on Twitter.